Join us in Cambridge, UK this Spring! – 25th-27th June 2025
Avrio Advocati and IAPA cordially invite you to their joint international conference which will take place in Cambridge,UK, 25th-27th June 2025.
Bruce Bowden, President Avrio Advocati and Martin Clapson, CEO, IAPA launch the Spring Conference 2025 – A joint International Conference open to Avrio Advocati & IAPA members.
Visit the conference website to find out more here
We are delighted to launch our 2025 June Conference which, for the first time, will bring members from Avrio Advocati and IAPA together in the beautiful and historic city of Cambridge, UK.
Having long held similar values and ethos, IAPA and Avrio will combine their shared knowledge and experience through conference sessions discussing topics of mutual international and regional interest, allowing time for networking, business development and collaboration.
The conference will take place between the afternoon of Wednesday 25th June and the evening of Friday 27th June 2025 and will see delegates participate in roundtable discussions and topical member-led presentations in the uniquely historical surroundings of St. John’s College & Jesus College.
With an exciting schedule of receptions, VIP dinners, and excursions, members will have the opportunity to taste, experience, and savour the best that Cambridge and the region has to offer.
All conference information, accommodation/travel links and registration details can be found by clinking on the June Conference website – Event Website HERE
Registration is open until Friday 30th May, however as the conference overlaps with the final week of the Cambridge University academic year, we highly recommend booking accommodation without delay.
Details on external speakers and presenters at the conference and a detailed agenda will be released on the website closer to the event. If you have any queries, please email Sinead Lynch at info@avrioadvocati.com
We hope to see as many of you as possible in Cambridge!
Bruce Bowden
Avrio Advocati